Meet useful tools for online stores; if you have this type of business; those that will provide you with an innovative experience and will allow you to keep all your commercial channels integrated, through a versatile interface.

Importance of using useful tools for online stores

Online stores that take advantage of the versatility of different applications provided with extensive functions and useful tools, manage to unify data from customers, suppliers and other associated companies.

This allows you to create interactive dashboards that are easy for stakeholders to access, run reports, and establish statistics whose analysis helps them make decisions on the go to meet all of your business goals.

Digitization brings great potential to business; facilitating the performance of remote tasks within different areas; especially in relation to the purchase and sale of products and services without leaving your home.

While on the other hand you can manage, administer and control an organization effectively through the useful tools for online stores.

Many brick-and-mortar companies have had to adapt to digitization to stay productive during the pandemic and thus avoid their imminent stagnation and disappearance.

What has resulted in a necessary adaptation to solve the difficulties of the current reality; with which they found an adequate way to compete within the market, simplify many tasks, reduce costs and achieve a really adequate profit margin.

What are the useful tools for online stores?

To improve an online store, it is important to focus on the experience that you allow the users of your website to achieve; which includes its easy access, navigation and versatility in the actions it performs within your virtual store.

The use of tools to increase your performance play in favor in this sense; such as those listed below:

  • Google Analytics: a free tool that you use to analyze the behavior patterns of users who enter your e-commerce.
  • Kisssmetrics: useful for obtaining individual reports for each user, in order to add pop ups or notifications so that they stay longer on your website.
  • PingDom: tool with which you determine the time your platform takes to load.
  • Adobe Marketing Cloud: Pack of applications focused mostly on web analysis, such as Adobe Analytics, ideal for predictive analysis in real time, Adobe Experience, with which you manage data to create profiles, Adobe Targe, which you can customize product and more.
  • Peek: It is the tool that allows you to improve the usability of your online store; after your analysis.
    If what you find builds your online store or electronic commerce; The following tools can be of great help:
  • Shopify: A fully featured, templated, niche-building, and scalable tool; indicated for users with reduced technological skills.
  • WooCommerce: For those who want to take advantage of the benefits of WordPress to boost their e-commerce store.
  • PrestaShop: Solid tool with which you can have a website practically free.
  • SEMRush: Useful to know your competitors and the performance they are achieving with their digital platforms; In addition to finding out which are the keywords with which they are generating the highest number of sales.
  • Tool used by website owners, SEO specialists, marketing agencies and more; in order to track and improve the presence of your brand, during the search within the browser.
  • Kushki: A payment portal that allows you to carry out transactions at the regional and border level through cards, transfers, digital cash, Wallet and many other alternative means.

The list of useful tools for online stores is extremely extensive; In fact, today technological advances allow you to find everything on the Internet and even what is necessary to start your electronic commerce; Take advantage of it and start generating income.